If you look around on my blog, you might notice that I go to the same area pretty often. My to-go-to spot for a morning stroll is the Eempolder. With the sun coming up over the water (Eemmeer – ‘Eem lake’ I guess), peat meadow area (Veenweidegebied) and a huge diversity of flora and fauna.
Next to the water you find reet collars with beautiful birds hidden in there. There’s the lake with a lot of water birds, ranging from gees, ducks to toots and coots. In the middle of the lake lies the island ‘De Dode Hond’ where the white tailed eagle (Zeearend – Haliaeetus albicilla) breeds. The rest of the Eempolder is mostly wetlands with puddles and tons of meadow birds.
There’s a game element in visiting the area every two-or-so weeks because it’s always a huge surprise to see what has arrived in the past weeks. This week, I was very happy to see the black-winged stilt (Steltkluut – Himantopus himantopus) and for the first time I saw the white tailed eagle (twice!).